Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Birthday present :-)

Petang tadi gi KLCC coz En.Hubby nak belikan hadiah besday untuk I. En. Hubby belikan hadiah jam SWATCH. Cantik ngan sweet colournya,ye la tuan empunya yang pilih sendiri..hehehe.En. Hubby pon beli jam untuk dia sekali. Mana boleh tengok wife ja yang ada jam,dia pun nak gak.. Pastu tengok kat bahagian bag, nampak satu bag ELLE yang cute,sekali terbeli la pulak....heheh...takpe2..dah penat2 kerja,kena a reward ourself dengan benda-benda yang best sekali sekala. Thank you abang for the lovely present birthday gift that I get. I will always wear it coz it will remind me to you...

                        Bag from Elle..like it coz E represent of my name

                                               Casing of abang's watch

                                       Another view of the casing swatch

                                           En.Hubby watch..so elegant

                                My birthday watch...so sweet and beautiful

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