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Monday, July 5, 2010

Kursus Proficiency English 28.6 - 2.7.2010

It is been a great moment for me attending this course. I learnt many new things. Meet new friends. Memang seronok sangat. Ditambah dengan makanan yang sentiasa sedap dan paling penting on time. Memang tak kebuluran kami. We learn skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Thanks to kak na, kak pah yang sentiasa membuatkan aku sentiasa ketawa terbahak-bahak sepanjang kursus. Kenangan bersama kalian tidak akan ku lupakan..so enjoy this picture gang

our group presentation 'food around the world'

group saya,group 3,on left Susan,kak na,sim kiat,kak pah,tan,santhi,yusmie and yahaya

preparation before presentation. siap tebang pokok pisang lagi

sim kiat prepare pamplet ngan info

yahaya tengah practise present

food yang kami bawa

our fasilitator menjenguk gerai kami

kak na and sim kiat

me and sim kiat

another picture of our booth

group prepare festival around the world

nice kan..colourful

another group

group ni meriah sangat

sweet memories..

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