Daisypath Anniversary tickers

I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Menu for dinner

Just want to share menu for dinner for last week. Forget to update, busy coz prepared for kad report bebudak. Hari tu masak kangkung tumis ngan tomyam campur..layan...

sayur kangkung tumis

   tomyam campur

Monday, June 21, 2010

Johan and father's day

Yesterday is father's day. So we bought a cake for ayah and celebrate at kak ina house. Funny because our little Johan, he also wanted to cut the cake. Maybe he represent Frank. Miss Johan and kak ina because both of them had gone back to Houston yesterday. Their flight is about 3 a.m. Gonna miss them. Hope they will be back for Nada kenduri.

Johan playing around with mak su siti and kak yah

delicious hazelnut cake

Johan cut the cake together with tok cik and bang yan

cute johan

yeay...I can cut the cake,maybe he think this is his birthday

bang yan can I eat this cake..johan said

more picture of Johan

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Genting Highlands

Semalam both of us pegi jalan-jalan kat Genting Highlands. Saja nak rasa angin sejuk pulak. Pegi time hari biasa tak la sesak sangat ngan umat manusia. Kalau pegi time weekend. alamatnya cam tin sardin,sesak yang amat. Masa ada kat atas sana rasanya cam bukan ada kat Malaysia tapi kat Hong Kong. Ramai apek , nyonya ngan ahmoi. Lepas pukul 8.30 p.m baru bertolak turun. Trip yang best and relax.

jalan menuju ke Genting Highlands

yey...dah sampai ke Genting

view dalam monorail

should try this swing,best giler..cam nak naik lagi

hotel first world,ingat nak stay one night,tapi mahai harga..maybe peak season kot

ada genting eiffel tower

ni dalam monorail, berbaloi naik ni coz dia pusing satu genting

gambaq depan tower

another picture,belakang tu nampak tak patung state of liberty

Friday, June 11, 2010

Pink roses and pillow

Juz bought this lovely roses flower from K.K home deco at giant. Satu letak kat meja makan,satu lagi kat atas meja ngadap pintu. Lepas tu beli bantal kecik untuk letak kat kusyen. Ingat macam nak beli lagi,flower dalam pasu besar cm tak cukup je.....

I love the colour of this roses..nice huh..

bought this vase to

pasu bunga ni letak kat meja makan

Another flower

sweet colour rose ni,ingat nak tambah lagi...

bantal beli letak kat kusyen

beli lima bijik bantal

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Marble cheese brownies

I have bake this brownies cake. Got this recipe from internet. It worthy to try and it is tasty. Husband puji coz katanya sedap. Basic bawah is cake and on the top is cheese. Esok nak buat lagi pasai nak bawak pi skool, cikgu2 request nak kek brownies ni.

Party in d'house

Welcome to my birthday party..well, for my 28 birthday, I have organised my own party. Invited mak,ayah,kak ayu,nada,siti also kak ina and shahirah. Together in this party is Alyna and Johan. Rasa happy sangat2. This time, my birthday cake is special coz my lovely husband willingly sponsor an ice-cream cake....nyummy..like heaven :-). For the food, we have bought KFC and also pasemboq. Different and tasty.

my ice-cream birthday cake

it is going to melt anytime

Alayna loves this teddy bear

mak,ayah,kak ayu,siti and shahirah

image not clear enough

preparation of the food

makan time..:-)

see pasemboq and the gravy..nyumy

got this body lotion,birthday gift from kak ina